Thursday, July 19, 2007

Opened up my mailbox to receive something exciting and there it was, my W magazine with Victoria and David Beckham on the cover. Oh joy is me!

Something intriguing about old Posh. She’s not quite beautiful. Something about her face that is unique. Good bone structure, I am not sure. Whatever.

So what happen to the enjoyment of getting on MySpace now-a-days? Everybody seem to have lag on their pages to the point where is it frozen. Everyone used to write awesome blogs to entertain me from the start, middle, and end of my days. I am sure as hell, I haven’t done much either. Maybe I am a little tired of dressing up to look like I did not try to look good…or I am no longer creative and have anything witty to write. My observations seem to be more one sided these days. I rather keep my mouth shut.

BUT keeping my mouth shut has caused me more harm than good in the past couple of months. I have given up on making my intelligence known, or maybe I have more dumb myself down. For you see, I have spent less and less of my time with my friends because our schedules clash with me working and them with their working and schooling. (Yes, my friends are highly intelligent!) I try to change the patterns, but it seems harder to do now. I wonder if this will become the norm as the months goes on. I suppose my days will be cut short during school for every party in my life since I will be taking a work load at school. I WANT TO BE DONE.

Long awaited Harry Pottery book is coming soon! This Saturday! Yes, I will be reading. I suppose it will take me a whole day, well maybe two. Depends on how thick the book is…but that won’t matter will it? Yes, I am a dork.

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