Wednesday, January 7, 2009

déclamation extravagante de garçon de restaurant

I finished reading Waiter Rant the two days ago. It made me glad I did not stay in the restaurant business for very long. The money is alluring at first, but there is so much you put up with, which could ultimately cause you to hate all of mankind. Now, I dislike retail customers...

Ma'am, all the prices marked are correct in the computer system. When you have gotten away with saving one dollar before it was all because I wanted YOU out of my face.

Most days, I would go through without any complaints, which would go unnoticed, of course. BUT the one customer have ruins the vibe the store will always be remembered. From his/her face to clothes to body type to even when you go into a retail store and stir up unnecessary problems, we ALWAYS will remember you. Oh, but me, I will act polite towards you because it's not my duty in life to waste my time with YOU.

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