Thursday, February 7, 2008

le café est la vie

Well, shit...

Ever wonder why coffee stains almost always leave a circle when it dries? I suppose clumsey-coffee drinkers notice. I, yes, am a coffee drinker. No, I do not spill...ever drop counts...for every drop is a second I gain of watchfullness (that made sense in my head).
If coffee was a drug, I would be in Coffee Heaven. Wait, it is! Just like a drug, I have to pay for it.

In Global Studies, I learn that in Cuba they chew or smoke cocaine like ciggerette smokers. Over here, we see them as drug-addicts, but to them we are "stupid pig-headed Americans"(i.e. say that with a French accent, it's fun). Maybe for outsiders studying American cultures we are addicts of unless things and luxury-fiends with nothing to show, but stuff. Or fiends whom always want to "one-up" someone elses. More like stuff we do not need.

As a mother-in-training, I did the American thing and gathered useless kiddy things for my kiddies. Valentines Day is drawing near.
It all started with Wal-Mart. (It always starts with Wal-Mart). Shopping with Mom and I see a bottled water with a pink cover. Of course I thought of H. Bear. I walked to the candy because I had a craving for some sweet stuff. Mostly, I saw V-day candy. Great...but I find a cutey heart thingy, I can't quite describe...I buy it. The weekend passes, I haven't given H. Bear the two mini gifts. Monday, I am still looking at it. Tuesday, Mom asks why I haven't given it to her. Wednesday, after class, I decided to waste some time at Target before I meet up with BS. I found myself a mini mailbox. How cute...a nice addition to my office space.

Browsing around the same area I found the mini mailbox, I stumble upon a V-day inspired min tin...hummm that would make a nice little something for H. Bear. . . she loves about a card JC can sign along with me...she would love it. ..Now I need a bag to put the bottle water and heart "thingy" in (if you were paying attention in the beginning of my story, you would know. Slacker). Purchases. Purchases, I left.
BS and I had a couple of drinks and a little bit of food, then we were off our seperate ways.
I go home organize the things I bought for myself and H. Bear. I realized. Damn, Tay and ND, get nothing...favorism...I didn't mean to commit...Today, after first class let out, I decided to not leave Onna, Billy-Bob, Em, or Al off the list. I am still not done...5 down, two more to fill.

I am talking about the blue bags...I spent quite a bit. They will love it. I hope.
A little tingle in the pit of my stomache, you know that "aww" feeling. I love them.

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