Wednesday, April 18, 2007

nouveau chapitre pour nous

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I am a little embarrassed, for lack of better words. I know I have found the "wow-factor" that I have been looking for all my life. It just took long enough for both of us to get over our selfish ways and longings. Misunderstandings, bullshit, and deception from my past relationships whether they be romantic or platonic, I know to appreciate him. With all our lessons learn on our own times and ways, we can now learn from each other with ease and content. We are at the point in our lives where others cannot misguide us. For if they do, it's because we let them. Views of different ideas seem to work well and pass like each day our eyes meet. The tension of butterflies in my stomach never leaves. They stay whether I am with or without him, and also I catch my smile stay longer when I am near him. My lips quiver when we touch. I see him catching me as I fall for him. Each day that passes, his eyes connect with mine as if he is piercing to see my soul. And I know from this that he wants all of me and not just the exterior that everybody sees. He listens when I speak even if nothing, but nonsense pours out of me. He looks at me with so much interest; I do not believe it is real. The past is the past and I wait what the future holds for us. I have found something that is beyond infatuation and lust. With my doubtful concerns in the beginning (for this is nature to me), he respond with "...ever think you would be the beginning and the end of something..." Right words at the right time seems too surreal! I believe and linger to every word he says since the words are so sincere and not cliché. The end of my search and the beginning of our new chapter of a new beginning that should not end with a sorry goodbye.

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