Tuesday, January 5, 2010

nouvelle perspective

Every year and every semester, I tell myself I would focus more on school, but I seem to have a great start and end up wishing I would have stayed motivated. This year, I am not going to tell myself anything, and I will not set any goals I cannot keep doing for the rest of the year or even the semester for that matter.

Someone mentioned the other day, I have become angry. 'Tis true, I have. The question for myself is to what I am angry at? How do you stay positive when you dislike some people you work with? Finishing college seems long overdue. Financially unstable at the moment.

There is a lot to be angry at. And of course this comes off complaining to what I can obviously change. Quit the job. Finish college. Save money.

This year, I have started off angry, but I ended it mad...so in order to get over myself, I must stop continuing what I been doing for the past 5 years, and begin a new lease on life.

Happy New Year everyone!