Thursday, May 22, 2008

simplement silencieux

Life has become simple for the time being.

The Rents are off to Rockford, IL here in a few hours. They are to be gone the whole weekend, but more than likely they will be back Sunday morning. I always thought it was a waste of time to drive 8 to 10 hours somewhere and stay two days and one full night. I decided not to go with them for several reasons...I rather not be in the car with them for 10 hours, and I rather make money to pay off what I have already spent and then some.

I recently quit biting my nails. This may come to a shock to all, but I have to oral fixation of a habit with my finger tips to my mouth. I have been doing it for as long as I can remember. Since May is my birthday month, I decided it was time to quit. It took a lot of slapping my own mouth, but I manage to go three weeks without it. Next thing, my other oral fixation...smoking. I really hate it. When I have a headache it makes it worst. When drinking a couple, I have to leave and step outside to have a good inhaleing. Usually alone because many of my friends did not give in to the advertisements and such that would makethem become the likes of my kind. I just need to stop, but I do not want to give it up so soon. I tell myself I want to quit when I get preganant, but I see that I should quit sooner than that. Since I was 17...we will see how I do when I do decide to quit cold turkey.

Lately, I have been frustated. Frustated that the Rents are unable to take care of their own well being. I must take care of everything that comes their way. I know that if they both actually went to college or actually finished American high school, they would have never met each other because my mother would probably marry a white male and my father marry...well, he would be in the same relationship he is in now with my mom. The woman takes care of all the money that comes in and out of the household. I disgress.

Lately, I have been calm and sick. Sickness. I am so tired. I cannot breathe from time to time. I cough to the point of making myself gag. I can't smoke because it hurts to swallow because I eat two ciggerettes and smoke one. Tis the reason I go through them so quick...

The end.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Fait d'être soucieux Juste

My birthday as come and gone.

It's true what they say after you reach that 21st mark, the year after becomes another day.

Lately, I been in the mood for organization. I reestablished my library. I see it has grown over the years, and my taste changed as well. Reading was a form of entertainment. Now, it is enjoyment mixed with information.

Next conquest is all my papers here and there in the dreaded filing cabinet!

Now, I have gotten lazy with this thing called updating online. I don't take as much pictures of my loves as often as I used to; including me. I have grown bored of myself, but I see others still full of themselves. Maybe I should be like everyone else and show the world how great my life is. I don't have anything to show off, but my outlook on life. I want to relive how I did with a little bit more nostalgia. I will brag and I will boost like the rest and become a picture-whore. Or I can stay anti-social on the Internet. But then again, this is the month that made me one month older so you will see more of me.

School has been over, I have been working quite a bit, but it doesn't seem like I work at all. I tend to lock myself in the cash office and count money...well take my time counting money because I can. And since none of the mgr will do it, I will take my time perfecting my craft of counting 20's my twos and counting my change like a whiz-kid. Tomorrow will be another day, another dollar.

My current motion is sitting and trying my hardest to breathe calmly, but it seems the allergy monster has gotten the best of me, but I will not give up. I will drug myself and trick this fend into hibernation because I don't want to deal with its annoyance any longer.