Tuesday, November 27, 2007


All in all, it is not going very well...

I decided to get control of the obstacles I have obtained. Next time it will be different and more organized. I do not know what I was doing wrong? Was it work? Was it play? Or was is simply me pushing things to the last minute? I know it was it was me all this time that I could have done something. Making sure I was doing the right thing at the right time.

Next time it will be different. This time I am truly serious. This time I will control my actions.
Maybe this break will help me stay organized. Stay focus on my true calling without interruptions. Without my lack of motivations. That is always my problem. My need to keep my motivation. If I just went the extra mile and do things as it says or do things at advance or even do things as it comes. I would be fine. I would be sitting on a better feeling at the end of the semester. I would be able to not worry. Last time was not too bad. I stressed. I complained. I whined for things to fall into place and it did. What is the difference between then and at this moment?

This failure has hit me like a frate train, and it has kicked me in the ass. Beaten me up to make me realize that this isn't all play anymore. This is part of a harder life to come. I stress about the things as the happen, but do nothing about it. That could be my flaw. That is my other problem...yes. Next time it will be different.

How is that I can write my organized thoughts so easily, but when it comes to the organized my thoughts to write an essay...